Macrotek ISO Certification Successfully Renewed

As a result of a successful audit by the quality certification authority BSI, Macrotek’s ISO 9001:2008 certification has been renewed. The re-assessment found that Macrotek operates a Quality Management System which complies with ISO’s requirements and noted the company takes its certification seriously.

The need to renew ISO 9001:2008 is based on ISO’s continual renewal process and objective to keep the standards aligned to company systems and practices. Macrotek places heavy importance on streamlining its practices in order to provide consistent and reliable service to its customers.

Macrotek has been ISO certified since 2009.

For more information, please contact:

Janet Ristevski

About Macrotek

With more than 90 years of experience, Macrotek Inc. offers a variety of air pollution control systems to suite a broad range of environmental requirements. Using some of the most innovative and effective technologies available in the industry, Macrotek provides cost-efficient applications for industrial air purification. For more information about Macrotek, visit the company’s website at

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