Macrotek Unveils New Logo and Website

Macrotek Inc., a leader in air pollution control technology, unveiled its new logo today, building on a new brand image that coincides with the company’s innovative design approach. The logo retains elements of the classic Macrotek logo with modern inspirations.

In addition to the change in logo, Macrotek launched a new website, featuring their latest projects using state-of-the-art technologies. The website offers a fresh new look and user-friendly functions for customers.

“This revitalized image compliments Macrotek’s constant growth and advancement within the air pollution control industry,” said partner Jason Hiles. “We are continually improving our results and technologies, and this new image reflects that.”

For more information, please contact:

Janet Ristevski

About Macrotek

With more than 90 years of experience, Macrotek Inc. offers a variety of air pollution control systems to suite a broad range of environmental requirements. Using some of the most innovative and effective technologies available in the industry, Macrotek provides cost-efficient applications for industrial air purification. For more information about Macrotek, visit the company’s website at

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